Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mid-Morning Laze...

Again, its a beautiful Friday morning here in Quang Tri, making it a perfect day to finally take a dip in the river outside of our guesthouse.  After a lazy morning at the worksite, we got back early and immediately decided it was time.  Chandra, Phuc, Corinne, Nhan and I (aka Super Awesome Action Adventure Team (SAAAT)) dove right in, so to speak, and immediately realized that this river is quite fast.  After trying to use the Bear Grills patented cork screw stroke to get out of the current (it didn't work) we swiftly floated down stream, soon accepting the strength of the water and becoming one with the flow.  Downstream there was a bridge where we simulated a few rescue missions, hence the Action Adventure (AA).  A most dopely awesome morning of lazing Myrtle style and it is almost time for lunch, but we have a big weekend planned!

This weekend we are going to the historically famous city of Hue.  While Saigon is the representative city of the South, and Hanoi of the North, Hue is the big city of the Central Region.  This actually used to be the ancient capital, so we are all very excited to see that Vietnamese version of the Forbidden City in Beijing and other cool historical stuff.  Hue is also famous for its night market, so we are all pretty pumped to check it out.  While we were supposed to go Saturday, some of us are headed over there today after class so we an spend an extra night and maybe do a little bar hopping...  I mean, its FRIDAY, right?  Chandra is graciously letting me use her camera so there will be pictures to accompany the next post.

4 more weeks-ly,

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